Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cow Appreciation Day!!!

Oooh, I just love these. I didn't get a chance to dress up last year, but all of my friends and co-workers did. They just loved it! And you don't have to go all out to look like a cow, just the basics. There is a kit down below (just click on the link) that you can print out and tape to yourself. :) It's pretty cute! Free is good.
5th Annual Cow Appreciation Day
Friday, July 10, 2009

Come into any Chick-fil-A® restaurant
dressed as a cow and receive a free meal.

Show your appreciation for the cows while eating more chicken. Put on your best cow costume and join us on Friday, July 10. Don't have a costume? Make your own using our starter kit.

Plus, you can add to the excitement by
entering our:

• Kid's Photo Contest
• Facebook Photo Contest

©2009 CFA Properties, Inc. Chick-fil-A®, Chick-fil-A Stylized®, Eat Mor Chikin® and the Chick-fil-A Cows® are registered trademarks of CFA Properties, Inc.
DR PEPPER is a registered trademark of Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.

5200 Buffington Road, Atlanta, GA 30349-2998
Privacy Policy


Patty said...

It's cool they have a "starter kit". Make sure you get pictures when you go!!

Devri said...

Yes, photos, don't forget them!!!!

We don't have one of these where we live dang it!

hoLLy said...

hmmm, i might try this this year. might. thanks for the heads up!

Tonya said...

okay....Photos are a must. Sounds too fun!

Tonya said...

okay where is the pictures?