Okay, well, darn! The computer at work isn't letting me upload a picture of Chloe, so I'll put one up when I get home. I went and saw Marley and Me at the theater last night and really liked it. Thanks Holly for suggesting it; I'd been wanting to see it for a while now. I did notice that a lot of people brought their kids to see the flick, but it's really not a kid's movie. Sure there is a cute puppy in it, but the movie is really about the adults and about life in general. When I got home, I gave my little dogs a couple of big hugs! I'll give it a two thumbs up fo sho!!!
Following the movie, I headed off to bed and awoke around 2am with the sound of my dog, Chloe, licking Arthur's pillowcase OVER and OVER. She had licked it so many times, it looked as though she'd had an accident on it. She refused to stop, even after I asked her to so I kicked her out of bed (yes, the dogs sleep in the bed). Without a pillowcase to lick, she started licking the carpeted floor. Ugh! I couldn't sleep and then I noticed my stomach was feeling not quite right either. Arthur eventually woke up and decided to sleep on the futon with Chloe to help me sleep. I couldn't sleep, the pains in my stomach were getting worse and nausea was setting in. Chloe was hacking by now, sounding as if she was going to throw up, poor baby. Chloe also began to start picking at the carpet and trying to eat it, so I suggested Arthur take Chloe outside to eat some grass, as I was sure she needed it. Sure enough, he told me that she ate quite a bit of grass, and luckily she started to appear better afterward. My stomach problems lasted the typical 4ish hours or so (it's a problem I have frequently and the doctor's can't seem to figure out what's wrong with me, :( ), and by then Chloe was seeming restless once more and picking at the carpet again. I called my vet and explained the situation (at about 8 in the morning now), and they recommended she come in to be looked at. So...we are waiting this out till tomorrow to see if she improves. I tend to be a paranoid "parent" and take in the dogs at the first sign of anything wrong (usually), so I will wait until tomorrow. The grass seems to help, I let her eat some before I left for work and she was fine. I just hate to see her so uncomfortable! I was imagining her feeling what I was feeling and all I wanted was to make her tummy stop hurting too. So while I'm feeling much better, I'm unsure of how Chloe is feeling now. If any of you have had this happen or had a similar experience, let me know. I'm sure this will just fix itself, but I don't think you can ever be TOO cautious. And how ironic that my dog would be feeling under the weather after I'd watched the movie, Marley and Me. Weird, I think...
***Update: Chloe is doing much better. Since yesterday morning, she's been just as normal as ever. I guess that grass really helped out, yay! :P
Following the movie, I headed off to bed and awoke around 2am with the sound of my dog, Chloe, licking Arthur's pillowcase OVER and OVER. She had licked it so many times, it looked as though she'd had an accident on it. She refused to stop, even after I asked her to so I kicked her out of bed (yes, the dogs sleep in the bed). Without a pillowcase to lick, she started licking the carpeted floor. Ugh! I couldn't sleep and then I noticed my stomach was feeling not quite right either. Arthur eventually woke up and decided to sleep on the futon with Chloe to help me sleep. I couldn't sleep, the pains in my stomach were getting worse and nausea was setting in. Chloe was hacking by now, sounding as if she was going to throw up, poor baby. Chloe also began to start picking at the carpet and trying to eat it, so I suggested Arthur take Chloe outside to eat some grass, as I was sure she needed it. Sure enough, he told me that she ate quite a bit of grass, and luckily she started to appear better afterward. My stomach problems lasted the typical 4ish hours or so (it's a problem I have frequently and the doctor's can't seem to figure out what's wrong with me, :( ), and by then Chloe was seeming restless once more and picking at the carpet again. I called my vet and explained the situation (at about 8 in the morning now), and they recommended she come in to be looked at. So...we are waiting this out till tomorrow to see if she improves. I tend to be a paranoid "parent" and take in the dogs at the first sign of anything wrong (usually), so I will wait until tomorrow. The grass seems to help, I let her eat some before I left for work and she was fine. I just hate to see her so uncomfortable! I was imagining her feeling what I was feeling and all I wanted was to make her tummy stop hurting too. So while I'm feeling much better, I'm unsure of how Chloe is feeling now. If any of you have had this happen or had a similar experience, let me know. I'm sure this will just fix itself, but I don't think you can ever be TOO cautious. And how ironic that my dog would be feeling under the weather after I'd watched the movie, Marley and Me. Weird, I think...
***Update: Chloe is doing much better. Since yesterday morning, she's been just as normal as ever. I guess that grass really helped out, yay! :P
i'm glad you liked the movie too-i thought it was one of the best i'd seen at the theater in a while(well besides twilight of course!:) and i'm so sorry you both were so sick. i hope chloe is feeling better soon! i love that doggie!
and i'm glad you are feeling better! you need to go back to the dr. girl. or see a different dr. or specialist. this needs to stop!
I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope Chloe gets to feeling better soon, too. It's weird that you both were feeling bad at the same time. Please keep me posted!
I hope that you are feeling better. Could you have IBS like I do?? Nausea and bad stomach ache are common symptoms that I get. I used to have it all the time but with medication I only get sick occassionally now.
I am glad that Chloe got better.
Hugs, Lura
I know I had to give my dog a big hug when I got home from seeing Marley and Me. I agree it was a cute movie, but not for kids.
Glad to hear Chloe is feeling better.
I'm glad to hear Chloe is feeling better and you too. I hope she just had a little touch of a bug or something she's too cute to be feeling ill. Take care.
I'm glad you guys are feeling better. I'd talk to Lura about that IBS. It would be wonderful to know what is making you sick every month and get something that would help!
SO the movie is a must-see! I'm there! I agree with Holly, time to get a new dr until they et off their butts and figure out what is wrong with you. Glad everyone is feeling better. But seriously, if it happens frequently you need to see someone who wants to actually do his job and not just wear the DR title to sound cool!
i'm glad chloe is feeling better now!
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