Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Heck of a Country Christmas!

Okay, so I was just going to post
one of these
bad boys, but I couldn't resist. So, three it is!
The more the merrier, as I like
to say. :)
So get ready for some fun x 3.
If I could have put all three in just one post,
I would have. I couldn't figure out how
to post these any other way.
Be sure to hit the pause button
on my music playlist
so that you can hear the music
on the videos!
If you're a friend of mine on
Facebook, I also posted a
jib jab of Holly and her
family. I personally think that
that one is by far the best!
Send your own ElfYourself eCards


hoLLy said...

out of all three, this was my favorite. your facial expression is the best. it made me laugh a little out loud even. which hurt because i'm a sickie with a sore throat today. so yeah, feel bad for me that you made me hurt myself:)

great videos! thanks for a laugh tonight.

Me said...

These are all hilarious! This one is something! What a hoe down!

Yvonne Kizerian said...

Ok, that is the funniest thing I've seen all week!!!

jOeY said...

LOL. This one is my fave. I love the part where you're up on the haystack.

Devri said...

You crack me up!!! Your face is to die for woman...

Moon Devious said...

Ha ha they're all hilarious. Thanks for using a good picture of me, at least! lol

Grammy Staffy said...

I didn't know that you were such a great little dancing elf!!! Sooo funny.

I wrote a Christmas poem that I would like to share with you. I hope that you can drop by and read it.

Merry Christmas

-Melissa- said...

those are hilarious! I like this one the best. Thanks for the laugh today.

Patty said...

I love your picture. It is hilarious!!