My sweet handsome dude turned three months! He's smiling, cooing,
giggling, and batting at his toys. Sometimes he manages to grab ahold
of one. :) He's growing up sooooo fast! Unfortunately, he doesn't
like to go out very much. He is super cranky out in public, so we don't
go out very often. Usually, it's just Crew and I that go out together,
but the other day Daddy came with us. It was actually quite
manageable; as long as Arthur carried him around the stores, he was
rather pleasant. So, from now on, Daddy is coming shopping with us! On
our last shopping trip, we purchased a new sofa. I'm embarrassed to
admit it, but this is the first sofa we've purchased. For several
years, I'd only been using a hand-me down futon that my mother had given
to me when I'd first moved away. It was high time I replaced it, plus I
didn't want Crew bumping his head on the wooden arms (though I do plan
on just moving it into the computer room as a spare "bed"). It comes in
on the 26th. I'm definitely going to post pictures, though I'm sure no
one cares about the sofa but me. Hahaha Hey, it's a big deal for me,
and I'll celebrate it if I want to. :) So, happy three months to Crew,
and yay for a new sofa!!!

He cracks me up with his faces sometimes!
He had had just about enough photo taking for the afternoon. Lol