Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Goodbye Phoebe and Good Luck!

This isn't what I had in mind when I first got Phoebes, but it was the only thing I could do to insure her happiness. After a month of trying to get Charlie and Phoebe to get along, I knew they never would. So, not being in a position to have two separate cages and not being able to let them out at the same time, I made the decision to find her a new home. I was very particular of who took her- I only wanted someone who'd had them as pets before. And I got lucky! This wonderful woman took her in who already has a prairie dog, Yogi. Yogi grew up with a friend named Bullwinkle who recently passed away; he was very lonely and missed his friend terribly. If you remember, Phoebe loved Charlie and wanted so much for him to return her affection, but Charlie wasn't having it. Charlie is a meanie! :( So I was pretty sure that as long as Yogi accepted her, they would be great together. They were introduced to eachother yesterday and they are truly a perfect match! They fell in love with eachother instantly and even share the same cage (sometimes animals connect instantly, some take a few days/weeks even). I'm glad there was an instant connection. I couldn't be happier! So yes, no more Phoebe and there will certainly be no more "friends" for Charlie. He prefers to be the lone prairie dog in our household, and that's how it'll have to be. :) We'll miss you Phoebe, it's too bad you couldn't stay.


Cindy said...

Oh, I'm so happy for Phoebe!! Yes, you will miss her but she's going to be so much happier with Yogi. Charlie was a meanie to her. I'm glad she's in love and can have that love returned. You go girl!!!! :-)

Yvonne Kizerian said...

It's hard having to give up a pet but I'm so glad you found her such a good home-with a new friend! You're awesome, Tara.

Devri said...

Way to go Phoebe! sorry girl! She needs her love!

Tonya said...

I'm so glad that Phoebe found her a man. But sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved her.

I guess you are Charlie's only real love, the little momma's boy.

This is so fascinating. I had know idea that Prairie Dogs could even be pets and the fact that you know someone else who owns one.

I love her little tongue.

hoLLy said...

hooray for phoebe! she deserved better:)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!