Thursday, September 25, 2008

Weblog Award

Today for the first time, I received a blog award, thanks Kim! Yay!!! She must've have known how much I needed a pretty blog award to decorate the sidebar of my blog with. :)
The rules are as follows: All questions must be answered with one word, and only one word. This award must be passed on to at least one other.

1. Where is your cell phone? here

2. Where is your significant other? um

3. Your hair color? blonde

4. Your mother? female

5. Your father? male

6. Your favorite thing? computer

7. Your dream last night? blissful

8. Your dream/goal? success

9. The room you're in? padded

10. Your hobby? hobbiless

11. Your fear? failure

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? elsewhere

13. Where were you last night? bed

14. What you're not? patient

15. One of your wish-list items? nose-job

16. Where you grew up? corpus

17. The last thing you did? stink-eye

18. What are you wearing? smile

19. Your TV? Oxygen

20. Your pet? many

21. Your computer? HOT

22. Your mood? blah

23. Missing someone? hardly

24. Your car? Passat

25. Something you're not wearing? panties

26. Favorite store? Petsmart

27. Your summer? awful

28.Love someone? yep

29. Your favorite color? black

30. When is the last time you laughed? recently

31. Last time you cried? noneya

I pass this award to my buddy (drumroll please...)...


hoLLy said...

congrats on the award! i just helped aubrey post hers too:)

and you don't miss me? sheesh.

Tiffany said...

Tara, I am so honored, really! THANK YOU! thank you thank you! "You like me! You really, really like me!" (trying to imitate Sally Field accepting her Oscar)

-Melissa- said...

congratulations on the award!

Patty said...

Congratulations on your 1st blog award!!