Okay, so my friend Aimee tagged me. I think she like tagged me a week or so ago, and I just now read it. Whoops, my bad! Here goes:
#1 I'm allergic to cockroaches. Don't even ask how, but when I went to the allergist and they did their thang, cockroaches came up on my list, my very long list, of things I'm allergic to. So, from that point on, I stopped eating roaches. This still confuses me...
#2 I froze a goldfish once, and it survived! A long time ago, when I was in my "fish phase" of life, I bought a little goldfish one day. I'd heard that certain types of frogs and goldfish could survive being frozen and then thawed. So, I snuck the little critter into my parents freezer in the garage and froze it overnight. When it fully thawed out, it was swimming around like nothing had happened. It still amazes me! My aunt Cindy can attest to this. The little fishies we had in the pond out front were just fine after we had a couple of hard freezes a couple of winter's ago. ;)
#3 I once had a booger collection. I didn't hide it; as a matter of fact I was proud of my collection. As you walked into my bedroom, it was about three steps forward, and one step to the right, and whammo, my collection! And might I add, I had quite the variety. Sorry if this grosses you out. Oh, and let me add that I was very young when I did this, I was probably about 6 or 7 years old.
#4 I DETEST the sound that is made when someone is eating. This is definitely top on my list of pet peeves. It's seriously so yucky to me. Don't even get me starting on chips, especially Fritos. For some reason the combination of someone crunching down on a bag of Fritos mixed in with the aroma of it, makes me want to puke. Luckily, if I'm eating, I can't hear the other person eating beside me. Background noise is also helpful.
#5 I love pulling pranks on people. It brings me such joy! These days, it's my co-workers that get the brunt of it. I just do stupid things, like taking their chairs and moving them into the vault, unplugging everything at someones station, taping down the phone lever and then calling them, completely rearranging items on a desk, linking ALL of someone's paperclips together, and putting someone's stamp in a mold of jello (that one was an overnighter). My favorite so far has to be when I left a message for my co-worker(s) to call back a member who'd had a question regarding a payment that they had supposedly done on their account. I gave them the number to call, but the number was in fact to a funeral home. My unsuspecting co-workers were so very politely asking to speak with Myra Maines. Good times!
I'm going to tag Rachel, Melissa, and Cindy!
i laughed out loud at your pranks. i bet your coworkers just luv ya! i liked the moving chairs into the vault and the call to the funeral home the most. :) good ones.
Hey, I never knew about that gold fish in our freezer. I feel sorry for your unsuspecting co-workers. I bet you keep them on their toes.
I love the gold fish story. You crack me up... what a prankster...was I lucky not to have you as a student????
Mom, I never did tell you because I knew you wouldn't have wanted a goldfish in your freezer. I had to be sneaky...
Tara, Tara, Tara. You are probably the funniest person I know. Your co-workers must be so glad to have you there. :)
Haha! Fantastic! I'm pretty sure that I've been the brunt of some of your pranks. But it's okay, I also think I helped you a few times too so that makes up for it. Also, I'm allergic to cockroaches too!!! Haha, when I went to the allergist they told me the same thing after all those tests. I always wondered how exactly that would play into my life but I thought it was kind of funny!
I've never met anyone else that was allergic to cockroaches! And to think I thought I was the only one, lol. I guess I'm not so weird afterall; that's a relief!
Ha ha, you're allergic to cockroaches??? Well... maybe thats why you have those stomach problems sometimes. Is it after eating chocolate?? Lol
hey, you've met me tara-i'm allergic to those little buggers too.
Thanks for a good laugh - this was great! I LOVED #1...
You know what, Holly?!? I was wondering if you were, I honestly couldn't remember. lol, whoops. Since you're my sister, though, it really doesn't count. At least that's what I think ;)
but we've met, no?
If it makes you feel better, I cannot stand mouth noises either. My husband and I have had many arguments due to this. I often find myself plugging my ears because the sounds seriously drive me crazy. I almost never go to the movie theatre because I end up plugging my ears the entire time because I can hear everyone crunching their popcorn.
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