July 11th (on a Friday), is Chick-Fil-A's Cow Appreciation Day! To get your free combo meal, all you need to do is to dress up as a cow from "head to hoof". I don't think this is something I'd do solo, but since my co-workers are going to do it, I'm in. So grab the kiddos, give 'em some spots, paint their faces, shove 'em in your mini-vans, and head to Chick-Fil-A!!! C'mon, it'll be fun and there's nothing wrong with FREE food. lol You can go to their website for more details and costume ideas (also known as cow tipping). It's http://www.cowappreciationday.com/. Hey, shouldn't I be getting paid for this...
This is me just gettin' ready for the BIG day! Oooh, I can't wait to dress up like a cow! Okay, okay, not really. I'm not so sure how fun this is gonna be, but I guess anything is fun when you're with friends, right?!?
oh its days like these that i yearn for a set of cow family costumes. . .wouldn't we look so cute? and i love free food. free anything really. well, not free poo.
and wow, that picture you added of yourself of the bottom is just fabulous. fabulously frightening actually.
You guys should totally do it, holly. Just tape little paper spots on, make some little ears and a nose. :) Chick-fil-a says partially dressing up as cow will work. **snicker**
I'm lovin' the picture! I don't think I'll prolly participate cause It would be just me, and really, how fun could that be...but you should make sure to post pictures of yourself and co-workers all mooed out!
Tara, this made me chuckle...I think it's great!
You make that look goooooood!! :) Eva has a cow costume from a few Halloweens ago. Maybe we'll try it out, too.
I'm afraid that people already may already mistake me for a cow. If I wear black and white that should do for my costume. Soooo sad!
Holy Cow! It's Hannibal Lecter!
Make sure you take some good pictures to blog. Sounds like fun. I don't think I know anyone who would do it with me :(
Oh that would be so funny if you went by yourself. Can you imagine what it would look like??? I'm laughing just imagining you as a cow walking into Chick-fil-a all by your lonely self and asking for your free meal. That would be very funny, indeed!!!
You crack me up. Totally gonna dress like cows and go get free food.... for dinner. Trey will have to pay for himself because im pretty sure he wont dress like a cow...but Casey sure will be cute!
Yay!! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday at Chick-fil-A! The site has some easy tips on how to dress and get your free Chick-fil-A!
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