Monday, February 2, 2009

Where's Chloe?

I think the dogs have really enjoyed having the fluffy comforter in the living room these past few days. Chloe keeps herself burrowed in it, sometimes she's hard to find. And as far as Maya goes, she's been trying to take care of me. For the first couple of days, she never left my side. She would look at me as though she genuinely felt sorry for the condition I was in. Normally she's attached to Arthur and goes wherever he goes, but because I haven't been well, she's been extremely sympathetic toward me. What a sweet little girl! Chloe, on the other hand, could care less. She only hangs around me for those blankets. What a little meanie!

Can you find my Chloe?

There she is! Maybe if she'd had a bath recently she'd be harder to find, lol.

My little caretaker!

This is Maya keeping a close watch on me. :)


Abby said...

They are just the cutest dogs!

cyndi/mom/nana said...

How sweet. Chloe is probably like ah, let Maya take care today I'm going to play. They are both very cute dogs.

hoLLy said...

how sweet that maya is taking care of you:) and how funny that old lady chloe doesn't give a crap. shes just like, "i'm tired. you take care of yoself."

ACDC2005 said...

How sweet! They are too funny and cute!

Cindy said...

Well, when the chips are down....we know now don't we, Chloe, you're a taker. After all the love Tara has shown you over the years, all you care about is snugglin' in the comforter. Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, how disappointing! Good thing Maya is around....

Me said...

They are cute pups! Love the where's Chloe pic! How fun! Dogs with personality are great.