Saturday, February 7, 2009

more pics...

Here are some of the latest pictures taken today. =)

Me just being me! Yes, I'm a dork, I know.


ACDC2005 said...

Looking good girl!!

Devri said...

You are one hot chick!! I saw the before and after of what it would look like, I think it looks even better than that..

Poor ouchie face though-
now if you could get the wizard of oz wicked witch of the west (go look it is that same color)

You are not a witch or wicked, but you sure do have that green color down..

♥ ya

hoLLy said...

every day you look even more perdy. love that last pic-its totally YOU.

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

Amazing beautiful pictures! So glad to see your pretty face!

Patty said...

Wow, almost back to normal. I'm glad to see you smilin again!! Love the pics!


Me said...

AWW! It's so nice to see your spunk back in the pictures! I love your nose! Trade ya!

-Melissa- said...

Lookin good! Looks like you are feeling better.


so glad that you are still you no matter the nose! I hope that you realize how beautiful you are inside and outside!

Cindy and Ben said...

Very nice Tara!! You look hotter than ever!!