...But I see you now, my dear blog buddies. :) So, I rarely am on the computer these days, obviously. But since my new job and the access I have to the computer now, I am back on board (even if only for a short time). So this year has been a big year for me- lots of changes. First of all, I became engaged on May 11th; we will be married at the end of the year on December 1st, 2012 (12-1-12). Lots of ones and twos in there. And I recently left my job as a bank teller for a new one. And though it's been tough adjusting at first, I can now say that I'm getting the hang of things and enjoying it. I mean c'mon, I'm at work right now. I've applied for several positions here in the past, but finally got a position here. It's been really exciting! Where do I work, you ask? At the Texas State Aquarium (accounting). I have really enjoyed the folks here, they've been very welcoming and friendly. It's one big happy family over here. And I have really loved spending my lunch breaks downstairs, walking around and/or sitting down admiring the beautiful creatures- otters, fish, dolphins, and sea turtles, etc. Arthur (the fiance) and I have been working on our new place (apartment), doing little renovations here and there. Next on the agenda is new flooring for the kitchen and dining area. We've already picked out the laminate planks we will be putting down (hopefully sooner than later). It's a really beautiful color of "wood" aka laminate- Soft Plum from Lowes. It's been a lot of work so far, but it's looking great! I'm very happy with how everything seems to be falling into place. Until next time y'all!

So this is the apartment we are currently fixing up. This was the before, wood paneling and all. Yucky!
This is the apartment (living room) as of today. There's so much left to do, but I feel so good that we've done a lot of work already. Hopefully by December, it will be ready for Arthur and I to move into. Yay!!! And enjoy some random aquarium shots below.
There is something very calming about jellyfish. I love just watching them move in the water.