Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Crew has arrived!

My little guy arrived a few weeks early, and already he's a month old!  Let's see...this month has brought lots of changes, stress, tears, and sleep deprivation, but mostly it's helped me understand the love a mother has for her baby.  As not so awesome as it is sometimes, I wouldn't change a thing.  I'm so happy to have him, even on his fussiest of days.  It's still strange to think of myself as a mother, though.  That will take some getting used to I think.  :)  Of course, I have millions of photos, so I'll choose my favorites (I'll try to narrow it down to my top 200, tee hee).  Meet my son- my sweet baby boy Crew! 


Patty said...

Thanks! Now he will be the star of my office slideshow. :)
Welcome Baby Crew!!

hoLLy said...

i can't wait to kiss those cheeks in 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!