It was my sister's best friend, Laura's birthday this weekend. Her hubby flew her down to Texas as a gift to her, while surprising my sister at the same time. Joey did a good job keeping it from Holly, and she was so surprised to see Laura. Anyhow, I didn't take many pictures, but I did take a few. It was so good to see you again, Laura! I hope we don't wait another 7 years before seeing eachother again. Not many people share the same sense of humor that my sister and I have, that's why we love you so much. :)
Aubrey and Ella
Cali loved that birthday cake so much she decided to save some on her face for later.
This picture is a little dark so it's hard to see their facial expressions, but they're all making very cute faces. Check out Aubrey striking a pose. Ah, I love these girls!!!!
Wasn't that nice of Joey. He is so thoughtful. Your surely have a sweet family.
Have a wonderful thanksgiving together.
Cripes. There are three of you with the same sense of humour? Heaven help us.
Tara is was so great to see and ans to share time and chocolate cake with you. You and your sister are truly the funniest people I know and I can't imagine this world without you! By the way - Joey is awesome, but it was my Hubby who planned and paid for this surprise trip - Joey helped me to keep it a secret. I just thought props should go to the man who arranged this whole Texas invasion! I hope we can see each other real soon and also thanks again for taking me to the airport and getting me there early!( by a minute)
Sorry I can't spell or type - hopefully you can decipher my message!
I rewrote this post many times trying to make it sound right. ??? I guess it still didn't come out right, but yes, that's what I meant. Joey surprised Holly, and your hubby was responsible. I'll rewrite it. my bad
you rewrote it good. it did sound like at first that joey had done it all. mr. petey did! yea petey! :) and yea for joey for keepin it secret! it was such a huge surprise. i don't think i've been that surprised-evah! and thanks for coming to hang out with us too. it was fun to hang out the 3 of us again. i still don't know why you didn't want all sleep together again though....:)
It looks like you guys had a fun time with Laura. I love the pictures of the girls, especially the one of the standing together by the window.
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